
If you own your own coffee shop and there is a Starbuck or Coffee Bean right across the street...where would your friends and family go to get coffee? They would go to your coffee shop. Because there is something called TRUST vs. RESPECT. They trust you as a friend or family and they respect you as a business owner.

Having your own travel business is no different.
  • Ask them to help you out
  • Ask them to give you a try
But...if you approach your friends and family like a will be treated like a salesman. If you approach them like your friends and will be treated like a friend or family. Here's a script that has been working for me that I want to share with you.

"______, I'm a travel agent and I'm trying to qualify for this position in my company so I need your help. If I can save you some money on airfares, hotels, cruises, rent a car, sports or concert tickets...because I'm your friend/family, you would be willing to help me out...wouldn't you?" You want to always ask them a question that will put them on the YES mode. Because if you ask someone a question like, "Can you help me?" You are giving them a choice to say yes or no. But if you say, "You'll help me out, right?" Of course they would say yes!

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