Tips for Luggage Identification:
Regarding luggage identification, it is strongly suggested you completely identify your luggage. It is really important to have identification tags on all your bags and carry-on bags. When a piece of luggage has a bag tag missing, an agent does not always have the time to completely research a city listing. Remember to cut off old luggage tags. If you want your luggage back quickly, leave your phone number for airline personnel to call and if you are not at home someone else may be able to advise them where to forward the bag. It is also suggested to use hard sided bags with no straps, hooks or belts, nor wheels. These items can get caught in turn or connecting conveyor belts which may jam up systems and tear up bags when they get caught. Also, you can put your name, address and phone number on the inside of the bag along with an itinerary of your travels. Name tags and bag tags on the outside can get torn off. Colorful or distinctive straps tied firmly around your luggage make it easier to spot on the baggage carousel at the other end.

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