Hi, my name is Jake Rosario. I'm 29 years old but I look totally young. I look like I can eat at Denny's for free or go to Disneyland for kids price. But I can't ride on any of the rides because I'm only 5 feet tall. Pretty short for a 29 year old. But you know what they say..."Best things comes from small packages."
I was born in one of the smallest province in the Philippines. When I was little...well...I'm still little so I should say...when I was younger, my family was struggling financially so we've always wanted to go to America. I mean...people don't go on boats and say I want to go to Poland for opportunity. Everybody wanted to go to America because America is the "Land of Opportunity." So my dad enlisted to the Navy and years later...We moved to Carson, California. Now back in the days when I was "younger"...Carson wasn't what it is now. Carson wasn't a good city to live in at the time. We would hear sirens all the time. Gangsters everywhere. I would always get scared walking home from school. I have to walk home during the daytime because if I walk home at night...I don't think I'd ever make it back home. We came to America...I shouldn't say poor because that's just a state of mind but we were BROKE. We were so broke that one day a robber broke into our house and we robbed him. :) We were broke.
I remember having posters on my wall of beer ads and Bob Marley smoking blunt. As a kid. My first job when I was 18 was Jack in the Box. That was hard work. Because the Jack in the Box I was working at was across the street from my high school. So if you can imagine...gangsters everywhere fighting all the time. I got fired for hooking some of my friends up with free food. I remember telling my boss when he fired me that I will buy my own restaurant and naming it JAKE in the Box. That was fuuuunny! Welcome to JAKE in the Box, would you like to try the Jumbo JAKE?
Anyway...I started moving from job to job working for different mortgage companies then Nordstrom selling womens shoes. I was living paycheck to paycheck. I had nothing in the bank, nothing but lint in my pocket and always behind in my promises. I wasn't making the money I wanted to make. so I started looking for different opportunities.
I called my hawaiian friend Keawepoo. We sat down one day and he introduced me to a travel company where people are saving money traveling and making a tremendous amount of money doing it. Wow...I don't know if any of you believe in love at first sight but when my friend Keawe showed me what being in the travel business can do to your bank account...it was love at first sight. So we started working together and in less than 1 month...we got our first check. We kept going and going and checks just kept rolling in. Next thing you know...it's like a snowball effect. Once you roll a snowball down the hill, it keeps getting bigger and bigger. So I went to my boss at Nordstrom and started rubbing my eyes. My boss asked me, "What wrong with your eyes." I told her, "I can't see." She said "What do you mean you can't see?" I said, "I CAN'T SEE...myself working here anymore." :)
Now I have a poster on my wall of the clothes I want to wear, Places I want to visit, Cars I want to drive, House I want to live in, Money I want to make, and the girl I want to be with. (Jessica Alba) :) Now I wake up when i finished sleeping, I walk 2 feet to my office and not worry about traffic jam in the hallways, work for about 2 hours on the internet, then take the rest of the day off. I could be at the beach. I could be playing golf...and I'm making money. I could go to Hawaii and if I want to stay there longer...I don't have to call my boss for more time off.
Not only you can save money on traveling but by having your own travel business...you can make a lot of money. Robert Kiyosaki who wrote "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" said "The number 1 thing people can do to increase their wealth is to start a part-time business." We want to teach you how to make money having your own travel company so you can start living your dream.
It all starts in the B.E.A.R philosophy. It starts with Belief. Believe in the industry, believe in the company, and believe that you can do it. If a short filipino guy can do it...anybody can do it. Then once you start believing, your belief will turn into Excitement, You're gonna be very excited because you're gonna have fun and learn while having fun. Then your excitement will turn into action. Albert Einstein says that knowledge is not power unless you take Action. When you take action...you will get Results. When you get results...you'll Believe more. Then you'll get more Excited. Then You'll take more Action. Then you'll have more Results. It just keeps cycling. But it starts with...BELIEF. Click here for more information. 

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