A letter from Andy Cauthen
President, YTB International
YTB tomorrow begins with YTB yesterday. On the premise that the “Rep comes first,” YTB was launched by three visionaries in January 2001 in downtown Alton, Illinois. The product: the exciting world of travel. The vision: to be the leader in the industry!
The Founders, J. Lloyd “Coach” Tomer, Scott Tomer and Kim Sorensen, came from a successful marketing business in financial services. YTB was to be the “model” direct sales company, capitalizing on the growing travel industry and the explosion of Internet commerce.
In the summer of 2005, 35 employees moved to Edwardsville, Illinois, and set up shop with an attitude of “Customer Care.”
In August, the National Convention at the Adam’s Mark Hotel in downtown St. Louis had an attendance of 1,300 with the theme “YTB – Your Time to Build.” And it was. By the end of ’05, YTB grew to $75 million in travel sales and 55 team members at the home office.
The 2006 National Convention was moved to the America’s Center and attendance grew to 3,200. With a theme of “The Business of Champions,” YTB was batting 1,000 on a track of rapid growth.
With the corporate team exceeding 140 by the end of 2006, YTB relocated to its new headquarters inWood River, Illinois, after completing a 20,000 sq. ft. partial renovation of a former K-Mart building in just eleven weeks. Also that year, after $226 million in travel sales, YTB was named the 35th largest travel company in America according to Travel Weekly.
YTB had a banner year in 2007. The company was admitted to the Direct Selling Association, and J. Kim Sorensen was named one of the 33 most influential people in the travel industry by Travel Weekly. The August National Convention exploded to an attendance of 10,800 at the America’s Center. The theme, “Cleared for Takeoff,” was right on the money. As over 100 Directors in their Captains’ hats lined the giant stage under the full-size model of the jet liner, the roaring engines, music, smoke and lights ascended to the roar of the crowd!
In October, the largest gathering of travel agents ever occurred at YTB’s Funshine Travel Trade Show in Orlando with over 5,000 in attendance! We ended the year with travel sales of $414 million and a home office team of almost 300.
In 2008, YTB expanded into Canada, the Bahamas and Bermuda, and Travel Weekly named the top travel agencies in the US for 2007 with YTB at the number 26 position!
The August 2008 National Convention was held in the Edward Jones Dome, home of the St. Louis Rams, for an event fit for the record books. The theme: “Liberty and Travel for All.” The set: the second largest Statue of Liberty ever constructed. The purpose: to recognize, motivate and honor some 18,000 people in attendance and to celebrate freedom.
Click here to view a video of the Opening Ceremonies.
What lies ahead? We invite you to come join us and find out as we make history.
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