How are car rentals outside the United States different from those here?
Every country has its own rules, but here’s a list of some items you may want to consider:
You may need an international driver’s license or permit in addition to your U.S. driver’s license.
Some countries charge a fee for a permit that allows you to drive on their roads.
The rental contract may not be in English. See if they have rental contracts or at least an explanation of contract terms available in English. Also, see if they will have any English speaking counter personnel available to assist you when you arrive.
Your personal insurance or credit card coverage may not be valid or acceptable to the rental company, so you may need to purchase extra coverage.
Most rental car fleets outside the U.S. are made up of much smaller cars.
Many foreign rental fleets will have a large percentage of manual transmission automobiles.
A car with air-conditioning may be considered an upgrade in some foreign fleets.
Road signage may be in unfamiliar languages and the colors and shapes of those signs may be different than those in the U.S.
The direction of the lanes may be opposite of those in the U.S.
Road conditions may be considerably worse than those found in the U.S.
Gauges may only read in the metric system, 100 kilometers = 60 miles.
Gasoline is usually considerably more expensive and is often sold by the liter, 3.78 liters =
1 gallon.
Many countries have even higher taxes on rental cars than those in the U.S.
Fuel prices are often considerably higher than those found in the U.S.
Some countries have both a minimum and a maximum rental age.
If you are looking for the best place to rent a car at an affordable price....click here
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