Whatever business you are in whether you are in Network Marketing, a business owner, or doing internet marketing…you must have the B.E.A.R. philosophy.
B stands for Belief. It all starts from here. You got to believe in the industry you're in. You got to believe in the company. You got to believe in the products you're selling and the services the company is providing. And most importantly….you got to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. When others are telling you that you can't do it…Believe you can do it. When others are laughing…Believe you can do it. When others are telling you No you can't…Say YES I CAN! You've been hearing NO your whole life. I'm telling you….YES…YES…YES. When you believe…you will get excited. E stands for excitement. You will be so excited at what you're doing that you'll be sleeping at night with your eyes open. You're excitement will turn into action. A stands for Action. You'll start doing more and selling more. People are going to come up to you and find out what you're doing. You'll be the Energizer Bunny…You'll keep going and going. When you take action…guess what? You will get results. R stands for Results. The best paycheck is an unexpected one. You'll become more and have more. When you get results…you'll believe more…then you'll get more excited and take more action. Then you'll get more results and it'll just cycle. But it all starts with BELIEF. It's not the R.B.E.A. philosophy. You don't get results first. It's the B.E.A.R. philosophy. So start believing!
Very well done,I am inspired, I like the way you put it into words, sure some people will come back again and again.
Gerson M