What is your WHY? Why are you doing YTB? Jim Rohn said, "Your WHY is your definite purpose." What makes you get up in the morning? What makes you stay late at night? What is your reason for having your own travel company with YTB?
I'll tell you what mine is. My mom works at a Hyatt Hotel as a housekeeper. She works from 8 to 5 but she sets her alarm clock at 4:30 in the morning. The reason why she gets up that early is because she has an hour to get ready before she walks to catch the bus at 6. She gets to the hotel around 7:30 and change to her housekeeping uniform then off to cleaning rooms. When she gets off at 5...she takes the bus again so she doesn't get home until 6:30. She cooks, we eat, she watch a little bit of TV and goes to bed. She wakes up in the morning and do it all over again. She's been working there for 26 years now and she only gets 8 dollars and hour. I remember when she got excited for a .25 raise.
The reason why I'm telling you this story is because I want to go to her work, find her at one of the hotel room she's cleaning and have her put on this T-shirt I got her that reads "My son just retired me." Tell her to go up to her boss and say, "I QUIT." I take her home and my dad is waiting for her with luggages and a Limo in front of the house. I said, "Get dress, you and dad are going to Hawaii." When they are about to leave, I pull out my rubberband bank out of my pocket and say, "Wait, here's 5 grand dad and here's 5 grand mom. Go have fun. Just get me a t-shirt when you get back." Retiring my mom and sending my parents to the island they always wanted to go is great but to see the look on their faces...I want to remember it for the rest of my life. I can't wait to see it.
That's my WHY! One of them at least. Find out what your WHY is and engrave it in your heart. A lot of people wants to be successful but don't know how to. "If you know your WHY...the HOW to is easy." Whatever your WHY is...go after it...with a passion.
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