
Posted by Jake Rosario | 4:29 PM | , , | 0 comments »

This story is from The World's Leading Motivational Speaker...Les Brown

"A friend of mine was walking down the street in the city of New York.   As he was walking...a couple of people were soliciting him for their business.  One guy said, "Excuse me sir...can I shine your shoes?"  The man said, "Sorry, I'm busy...I'm in a rush...I don't have time."  And kept on walking.  Another guy said, "Excuse me sir...your shoes looks dusty...can I shine them?"  The man said, "No I'm busy...I'm in a rush...I don't have time."  And kept on walking.  As he was walking a young man approach him and counted "97...98...99...100" "Excuse me sir?  Today is my birthday and I thank God...a brand new year of life.  Every hundredth person that passes by my shoe shine stand, I offer that person a free shoe shine.  Would you give me that honor?"  The man said, "Why sure."  So he sat on the shoe shine stand and the young man shined his shoes diligently.  After he was finished.  The man got up and asked, "By the way...how much do you charge for a shoe shine?"  The young man said, "Only $5 sir."  The man said, getting money from his pocket, "It is your birthday...here's $10...keep the change."  As he walk away...the young man turned around and counted "97...98...99...100"

When I first heard this story...I was laughing my butt off.  

If you want to make it in any type of business today...You have to be creative.  Find out what successful people are doing and emulate it.  Find out what they're not doing and don't do it.