I was surfing the internet trying to find out if there's any new news about the Manny Pacquiao and Ricky Hatton fight. Sure enough...I see an article posted in DiamondBoxing.com and there I was. There's a picture of me and some members of the team that was taken during "The Dream Match" Weigh-In between Oscar DeLaHoya and Manny Pacquiao the day before the fight. We were going crazy!
Click here to see the article and see if you can find me in the picture.
Man...if the Ricky Hatton/Manny Pacquiao fight happens...not only it's gonna be a hell of a fight between the two fighters but...It's gonna be a bigger fight between the two fans. "The Pacman Nation" vs "The Hatton Cult". If you haven't seen "The Hatton Cult"...watch the videos below and you will see that it's GOING DOWN on fight night.
"Walkin' in a Hatton wonderland"
"There's Only 1 Ricky Hatton"
These guys bring a Band to the fight. Trumpets, Drums, and everything!
We gotta come up with a song for Manny and bring a band of our own!
Bring it on Hatton Cult!!!
Great job Mr J Money Rosario, what a great trip this is been so far, and just to think that this is only the beginning, keep on building, I know you can do it, and do it you will.